Sus hijos la llamaron “gorda”, pero ella les dio una lección que jamás olvidarán

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2017-06-27 8:48:03

La inocencia de los niños a veces puede resultar un arma de doble filo para los padres, pues su honestidad, va más allá de querer herir los sentimientos de alguien.

Esto es lo que le pasó a Allison, una madre de 30 años que mientras disfrutaba de un baño en la piscina con sus pequeños hijos, quienes sin no midieron lo mal que podría llegar a sentirse su madre, al llamarla gorda. Sin embargo, la respuesta de esta madre fue tan acertada, que hoy su posteo en Instagram se ha convertido en un verdadero fenómeno.

Just because I have rolls doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a very active lifestyle. Just because I have cellulite doesn’t mean I don’t fuel my body with a well balanced and nutritious diet. Just because I’m fat doesn’t mean I have to explain why my body doesn’t fit societies expectation of me. My health is not anyone’s business. My activity level is not up for discussion. My nutrition is not open for judgment. ________________________________________ Remember that your body is not up for discussion, judgement or opinion. You do not owe anyone an explanation of your body or your actions. You can exist with fat on your body. Your body fat percentage doesn’t define your worth. The number on the scale doesn’t decide the level of respect you should receive. The amount of calories you eat does not determine if you can receive love. You are valuable and important just as you are. Just do you babes! Xoxo Allie _______________________________________ #bodypos #bodylove #bodypositive #bodyconfidence #selflove #selfconfidence #selfiesforselflove #plusisequal #plussizebikini

Una publicación compartida de ALLIE ? Just Do You, Babe! (@allisonkimmey) el

La historia de Allison se remonta a su adolescencia, pues a sus cortos 14 años podía lucir una talla 2 sin problema, su cuerpo se mantuvo en esa talla hasta que se graduó, sin embargo, ella misma reconoce que no era feliz así. Fue entonces cuando hace 3 años dejó de luchar con las constantes dietas que la mantenían infelizmente delgada y ganó algunos kilos, pasando a la talla 16/18 . Para motivar a otros a dejar de luchar con los estereotipos, se creó una cuenta en Instagram donde se deja ver con la ropa que a ella le acomoda y donde se le aprecia radiante.

I started my account on a platform that challenged the status quo. That said you don’t have to be thin to be happy. That said there is nothing waiting on the other side of weightloss that you can’t achieve RIGHT NOW by embracing a self loving journey. And it started with #transformationtuesday But it hasn’t always been this way. I spent most of my adolescence as an overweight, shy teen trying to avoid any situation that pushed me outside my comfort zone or put me in front of people. (And spent way too much time in chat rooms!) I worked desperately hard to lose weight at the age of 14, when I began my first diets, restricted eating and over exercising habits. I equated happiness to thinness. That once I was able to fit into hollister jeans I’d be the popular outgoing girl I thought I wanted to be. For 12 years I spent my existence completely consumed by my size. Fluctuating 100 pounds over the decade. Constantly comparing myself to others and never feeling enough or worthy. Even as a size 2/4 on my wedding and honeymoon, I could only see my perceived flaws. After the birth of my daughter in 2012 I had visions of her growing up and looking exactly like me. I verbally said that I wished that she wouldn’t look like me. And at that moment I realized that I needed to change…not only for myself, but for my entire family- especially my children. And so I took the first steps to trying to find myself again, uncover my purpose, and retrain my mind to see beauty instead of imperfection. Over the course of the next 3 years I poured myself into WHY I felt the way I did and how I could get back to who I truly was. I constantly pushed myself to do exactly the things that scared me most, and the more times I immersed myself into the things I had been avoiding, it became my new normal. And one day, after seeing one too many transformation Tuesday photos of a grumpy fat woman turning into a happy thin woman, I looked back at my own journey and realized it happened to be exactly the opposite of what we are taught to believe. My hope is that my journey will inspire women to stop defining themselves by only their bodies and that we’ll never succeed by hating ourselves! JDY Xo

Una publicación compartida de ALLIE ? Just Do You, Babe! (@allisonkimmey) el

Sin embargo, no todo es miel sobre hojuelas para esta joven madre, pues hace algunos días mientras estaban en la piscina sorprendió a sus hijos conversando y logró oír que la llamaban gorda. El dialogo según Allison fue más o menos así:

Allison: “¿Qué has dicho de mi?”

Hija: Me dijo que eres gorda, lo siento mamá.

Allison: Vamos a conversar sobre esto. La verdad es que no soy gordo, nadie es gordo. Solamente tengo grasa, TODOS tenemos grasa para proteger nuestros músculos y huesos para mantener nuestro cuerpo. De hecho es la grasa lo que nos permite tener energía ¿y tú tienes grasa?

Hija: Sí, tengo algo de grasa acá en mi barriga.

Lee también: El truco con el que perderás el doble de peso, entérate

Allison: Eso es correcto, vamos a ver qué dice tu hermano.

Hijo: La verdad es que no tengo nada de grasa, soy el más delgado y solo tengo músculos.

Allison: En realidad, todo el mundo, cada persona tiene grasa, pero en diferentes cantidades.

Hijo: Es cierto, quizás tengo algo para proteger mis músculos más grandes, pero tú tienes más que yo.

Allison: Sí, eso es cierto. Algunas personas tenemos mucho y otras muy poco, pero eso no quiere decir que una persona es mejor que otra. ¿Entienden ahora?

Ambos: Sí, mamá.

Allison: Entonces ¿pueden repetir lo que dije?

Ambos: Sí, no deberíamos decir que alguien es gordo porque no se puede estar hecho solo de grasa, todos tenemos diferentes cantidades porque somos diferentes y eso está bien.

Hey babes!! It would be an understatement to say that I am overwhelmed by the level of amazing support @full_of_freckles_illustrations and I received yesterday with the announcement of our collaboration on the first children’s publication in a series of body confidence books! I’m over the moon excited to share every step of this journey with you all! SO MANY of you wanted to know how to pre-order or how to get involved…I added a link in my profile where you can find a button that says “pre-order the children’s book” and you can sign up to be the first notified when the book is officially open for pre-order! Not one comment went unnoticed yesterday and I tried to reply to each and ever one of your heartfelt encouraging messages! I want to highlight once more the talent of Sanne as she literally is INCREDIBLE!! This is the original image that inspired @full_of_freckles_illustrations to create the characters! Do you see the resemblance?! Thank you again, babes! Just do you! Xoxo Allie

Una publicación compartida de ALLIE ? Just Do You, Babe! (@allisonkimmey) el

Fue así como lo que podría haberse transformado en una cruel manera de terminar un agradable día de piscina, se transformó en una lección que esos niños no olvidarán y que no les permitirá el día de mañana seguir aplicando prejuicios sobre el aspecto físico de los demás

Alisson constantemente comparte fotografías en las que asegura se siente orgullosa de su cuerpo:

Has this ever happened to you? You’re scrolling through your Instagram feed and seeing so many beautiful ladies embracing their bodies… and you’re like: ???FUCK YAH! I can do that too. If she can appreciate her body, and she can do her thang in a bikini, well then damnit SO CAN I! ??? And then you scroll down one more photo and you see a super fitspo photo of a beautifully toned and proportioned girl with perfect bronze skin, eyelashes for days, wavy long hair and you think: ???Okay all that self love crap is cool, but maybe after I lose 15 lbs and look more like this girl I’ll be able to finally love my body.??? Yah, me too. All the time. That’s one of the HUGE reasons that I decided to create my own online community. The comparison game plays tricks on your mind, and it’s impossible to feel the freedom of true unconditional self love when you’re constantly finding yourself being pulled back and forth. When I designed the Just Do You Crew private women’s only community I dreamed of an immersive experience that would provide an exclusive self love incubator filled with supportive women lifting each other up so that we can ALL find freedom and love within ourselves. I had seen other group coaching programs and private mentorship opportunities that were priced from a couple hundred dollars to a couple thousand dollars, and I knew that if I wanted to serve all the women that truly NEEDED this sacred sisterhood and finally have a space to flourish, that it would have to be a price ANYONE could afford, so this one of a kind membership is a $7 per month investment. My team and I are ready to welcome women from around the globe in every different shape, size and circumstance with open arms if you will let us! When you join the Just Do You Crew you’ll be automatically entered into my HUGE giveaway (check a few posts back, ends June 26th) as well as a few complimentary bonuses : *Show Your Glitter Stripes EBook* *Self Love Lab 4 Day Mini Course* *52 Card Downloadable Affirmation Deck* If this is something you’d like to consider, you can find the link in my profile to get started! Just do you babe! Xoxo Allie

Una publicación compartida de ALLIE ? Just Do You, Babe! (@allisonkimmey) el

We are not DEFINED by our bodies, or circumstances, or lifestyle. That is the biggest takeaway that I want you to internalize, no matter if you’re passing by in the explore page or you’ve been hanging out here for a whole year with me. And that was the most important message that I wanted to get across in my inside edition interview. We all experience life differently. We all inhabit different shells. We all take different paths. And we all struggle with being defined solely based on just a few of society’s standards. You are enough. You are more than enough. You are more than a body. You are more than your circumstances. You are more than the things that have happened to you in your life. You are more than your mistakes and failures. Sending love and light out today for anyone struggling with feeling enough! Can you add some love for those struggling in the comments, or if you need support let us lift you up! Just do you babes! Xoxo Allie _______ Swimsuit by @swimsuitsforall Top size 16 bottom size 18 _______ #effyourbeautystandards #bodyconfidence #bodypositive #glitterstripes #selflove

Una publicación compartida de ALLIE ? Just Do You, Babe! (@allisonkimmey) el